This commodity is published in collaboration with VoxEU.

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climatic change'due south 5th Cess Report (AR5), which is the most comprehensive and relevant analysis of climate change, concludes that hundreds of millions of people will exist affected by climatic change. Its consequences volition exist felt directly and indirectly via resource availability and population movements, spreading consequences across the world.

For this reason, the EU's foreign and security policies, also as official publications and strategies, accept devoted increasing attention to climate-related factors. For case, the joint study past Javier Solana and the European Commission defines climatic change as a 'threat' multiplier, as it could be responsible for political and security risks affecting European interests (European Quango 2008). Environmentally induced migration is quoted amid the various threats identified in the written report. Co-ordinate to the Council Conclusions on EU Climate Diplomacy, adopted in June 2011, climatic change is a global environmental and evolution challenge with significant implications related to security and migratory pressures (European Council 2011).

The idea that climate-related migration could generate repercussions for European security is related to the possibility of large inflows of people from the areas adversely affected by climate change. Predictions of these flows, still, are extremely imprecise and based on a very wide range of hypotheses. The number of predicted migrants range wildly from 25 million to 1 billion over the adjacent 40 years (IOM 2009). Vulnerability to climate change in poor countries, while certainly increasing the incentive to drift, does not necessarily imply that migration will occur. Climate alter, by decreasing the available resources, may constrain the power to emigrate, and some vulnerable individuals may find themselves less mobile and less likely to drift (Barrett 2008, Cattaneo and Massetti 2015, Gray and Mueller 2012, Foresight 2011).

New research

In a contempo paper (Cattaneo and Peri 2015), nosotros tackle the connection between increasing temperatures and migration by analysing the upshot of differential warming trends across countries on the probability of migrating out of the country or migrating from rural to urban areas. A crucial insight is that by impoverishing rural populations and worsening their income perspectives, long-term warming affects migration in different means, depending on the initial income of those rural populations. A decline in agricultural productivity, causing a decline in rural income, seems to take a depressing effect on the possibility of emigrating in extremely poor countries where individuals live on subsistence income. Lower income worsens their liquidity constraint, implying that potential migrants take a reduced ability to pay for migration costs and to beget travel and relocation costs. In this instance, global warming may trap rural populations in local poverty. In contrast, in countries where individuals are non extremely poor, a pass up in agronomical income strengthens the incentives to drift to cities or abroad. Decreasing agronomical productivity may encourage a machinery that ultimately leads to economic success of migrants, benefitting their state of origin and shifting people out of agriculture into urban environments.

Figure i provides correlations that corroborate this insight. The effigy plots long-term changes (between 1960 and 2000) in temperature (horizontal centrality) confronting long-term changes in emigration rates for poor countries (Console 2) and for center-income countries (Panel one). The departure in the relationship between the two groups of countries is clear. Centre-income countries prove a (minor) positive correlation while poor countries show a negative correlation between temperature and emigration rate changes.

Effigy 1. Alter in emigration rates and in average temperature

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Note: The graphs plot on the horizontal axis the natural logarithm of the boilerplate temperatures betwixt 2000  and 1981 minus the natural logarithm of the average temperatures between 1960 and 1980. On the vertical axis we represent the natural logarithm of the average emigration rates betwixt 1990 and 2000 minus the average emigration rates between 1970 and 1980.

The deviation between heart-income and poor countries

In the empirical analysis we pursue more systematically the two effects presented in Figure 1. Using decade changes betwixt 1960 and 2000 for 116 countries, ranging from very poor to middle income, nosotros perform a regression assay that controls for country effects, decade furnishings, and several other geographic variables and allows for a different impact of temperature on emigration and urbanisation rates in poor and heart-income countries.

  • We find that increasing temperatures are associated with lower emigration and urbanisation rates in very poor countries.
  • In contrast, in centre-income countries they are associated with positive changes in emigration and urbanisation rates.

The incentive effect driven by lower agronomical productivity prevails in center-income countries, and rural population is driven to cities, speeding the country's structural transformation and ultimately increasing income per person. In poor countries, the worsening of the liquidity constraint due to lower agricultural productivity prevails, and urbanisation and emigration are slowed.

  • We find consistently that emigration in heart-income countries induced by higher temperatures is associated with growth in Gross domestic product per person.
  • The slowing of emigration and urbanisation associated with climate warming in poor countries is associated with lower boilerplate GDP per person.

This connexion betwixt temperatures and GDP growth was commencement pointed out by Dell and Olkien (2012). Our report provides an important aqueduct to explain information technology.

Urbanisation and industrialisation are crucial mechanisms for GDP growth. For countries with intermediate levels of income per person, warming tin can push towards these gains. Nonetheless, for countries where agricultural productivity is so depression as to trap rural populations at subsistence levels, warming may instead dull economical transformation. These effects could contribute to departure of income between poor and middle-income countries.

Where practice people migrate to in response to warming?

Does warming produce big scale movements of individuals from middle-income countries in Africa, Asia, and Latin America to rich countries in Europe and North America? Or does it produce more local migrations in the regions?

  • We detect that growing temperatures are mainly associated with emigration to non-OECD destinations that are close to the countries of origin (peculiarly those within a 1,000km radius).
  • Emigration to OECD (i.eastward. rich) countries does not seem afflicted.

This effect is consistent with the idea that climate-driven emigration is associated with a worsening of local opportunities and migrants movement where they accept amend chances of finding a job given their current constraints. This 'push' cistron (decreased rural income) increases migration to similar economies rather than to OECD economies. On the other manus, the migration-reducing consequence for poor countries (due to worsening opportunities) affects both types of destination, as potential emigrants go less likely to get out the country birthday. Combining the effect on poor and middle-income countries, it appears that increases in average temperatures may actually decrease overall emigration to OECD countries. Middle-income countries are not more likely to experience emigration towards those destinations, while poor countries experience a reduction in emigration rates birthday. These findings suggest that climate alter is unlikely to be the commuter of large migrations to Europe as the touch on poor countries seems negative and climate-related migrations seem more local.

Migration and natural disasters

Climate change is also expected to bring an intensification of extreme weather events. For this reason, we tested whether temperature anomalies and natural disasters such as droughts, floods, and storms influence emigration rates in centre-income and poor countries. We find that long-run emigration rates in poor or center income countries are not significantly affected by the occurrence of these events. It is likely that natural disasters drive different types of migration, more alike to local mobility and temporary. Given their relatively rare occurrence and temporary nature in the considered catamenia, farthermost weather episodes did not affect significantly long-run rural-urban and international migration.


In this column we have focused on the potential impact of growing average temperatures on rural-urban and international migration. Nosotros establish that in very poor countries, warming implies less emigration. Rural populations may exist stuck in deeper poverty with fewer resources to drift. In dissimilarity, in countries where income is not as low, lower agronomical productivity increases the incentives to migrate, producing higher emigration rates. Through these different responses temperature changes may contribute to a departure of income and opportunities between very poor and middle-income countries. Finally, a future of increased migrations to Europe or to the US driven past global warming is not a scenario supported past our analysis.


Barrett C (2008), "Poverty traps and resource dynamics in smallholder agrarian systems", in R Dellink and A Ruijs (Eds), Economics of poverty, environment and natural-resource employ, Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer; pp. 17-40.

Cattaneo C and E Massetti (2015) "Migration and Climatic change in Rural Africa", FEEM Working Papers N. 2015.29

Cattaneo C, and K Peri (2015), "The Migration Response to Increasing Temperatures" NBER Working Newspaper 21622.

Dell M, B Jones and B Olkien (2012), "Temperature Shocks and Economical Growth: evidence from the terminal half Century," American Economical Journal: Macroeconomics, 4(three), pp. 66-95

European Council (2008), "Climate change and international security", Joint Paper from the High Representative and the European Committee to the European Quango, S113/08.

European Council (2011), "Towards a renewed and strengthened European Marriage Climate Diplomacy", Council Conclusions on EU Climate Diplomacy, 3106th Strange Affairs Council Meeting, Brussels, xviii July 2011, Joint Reflection Paper past the High Representative and the Commission.

IOM (2009), "Migration, Environment and Climate change: assessing the testify", International System for Migration, Geneva

Foresight (2011) Migration and Global Environmental Alter: Hereafter Challenges and Opportunities. Final Project study, U.k. Authorities Office for Science, London

Grey, C L and 5 Mueller (2012), "Natural disasters and population mobility in Bangladesh", Proceeding of the National University of Science, 109(16), pp. 6000-6005.

Publication does not imply endorsement of views past the World Economic Forum.

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Writer: Cristina Cattaneo is a senior researcher at Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei (FEEM) and at Centro Euro-Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici (CMCC). Giovanni Peri is Professor of Economic science at the University of California, Davis and Director of the Migration Research Cluster at UC Davis.

Prototype: A boy catches fish in a dried-up swimming about the banks of a river. REUTERS/Jitendra Prakash.